Old Republic Home Protection

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3 Ways to Effectively Manage Real Estate Client Expectations Has it been decades since your new clients bought and sold their first home? Did they conduct their only transaction in another state under a different set of ...
Forge Meaningful Relationships with Mindful Listening Many real estate professionals are natural-born extroverts, able to make conversation with just about anyone—a trait that certainly comes in handy in any sales ...
4 Ways to Harness Your Sphere of Influence for Real Estate Success Four decades before digital social networking existed, psychologists Jeffrey Travers and Stanley Milgram conducted a fascinating experiment to show how truly ...
Keep Your Appliances Sparkling Clean Don’t wait until spring to clean your household appliances! Check out these tips for keeping your appliances sparkling clean all year. Refrigerator – Keep a small ...
Build and Manage Your Sales Pipeline The sales cycle in real estate begins long before you take a listing or show a home. Considering how long it takes to go from initial contact to closing, it’s ...
Spring Cleaning Mishaps to Avoid Spring is in the air, and so are seasonal allergens. While this is a great time to tidy your home, steer clear of these spring cleaning mistakes and keep your ...
How to Send Texts from Your Computer Texts are much quicker to respond to than phone calls, which makes texting a powerful tool for communicating information to active clients, asking for referrals, ...
5 Habits of Mentally Resilient People Ever been in a difficult situation that made you want to throw in the towel? We’ve all been there. How do certain people find the emotional strength to push ...
Are You Asking Your Prospects the Wrong Questions? We’ve all heard the old saying: If you want better answers, ask better questions! Good questions seek to understand the bigger picture, not just gather bits of ...
Hacks to Make Your Home Feel Bigger Regardless of your home’s square footage, everyone wants a spacious environment. These hacks are all you need to turn a tight space into a comfortable setting. ...