Autumnal Delight: 7 Essential Tips for Fall Lawn Care

Raking Fall Leaves

When summer’s bright hues fade into the warm shades of autumn, it’s the perfect time to show your lawn some TLC and prepare it for the winter weather. Follow these tips to ensure your lawn remains healthy and lush throughout the crisp fall season.

  1. Rake and remove leaves. Before tackling other fall lawn care tasks, be sure to remove fallen leaves from the lawn with a rake or a leaf blower. If leaves are left on the lawn all year, they can prevent oxygen from flowing to the grass below. Pro Tip: Leaves are great for your compost bin!

  2. Aerate and overseed. Fall is the perfect time to aerate the lawn, allowing oxygen, water, and other nutrients to reach the roots. After aerating, overseed the lawn to fill in any gaps or bare spots in the grass. Doing so helps ensure thick regrowth next spring.

  3. Raise the mower height. Raise lawn mower blades two to three inches. Keeping the grass slightly longer during the fall helps protect the roots from freezing winter temperatures.

  4. Fertilize wisely. Use slow-release fertilizers rich in nitrogen to nourish the lawn throughout the fall. This will promote strong growth and fortify plants against winter weather. Follow the manufacturer’s application instructions and keep children and pets away from fresh fertilizer for the recommended time.

  5. Control Weeds. Use a garden tool or natural herbicide to tackle pesky weeds. If you apply a manufactured herbicide, follow the manufacturer’s directions and be careful not to use the product on your desired plants.

  6. Water well. Your lawn still needs moisture in the fall and winter, but adjust the frequency and duration with the temperature. Water the grass deeply but not as frequently as the temperatures drop so that moisture can reach the roots.

  7. Prepare for winter. Remove debris like fallen branches or outdoor toys. Mulch delicate plants to insulate the root system and help it retain moisture throughout the winter.

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