Fall Home Maintenance Tips

Fall leaves in gutter

Winter will be here before you know it. Prepare your home for the change of seasons with the following home maintenance tips.

Heating tune-up

Ensure your heating system is ready to go when the temperatures drop. Schedule an HVAC system tune-up with a professional.

Clean the gutters

Avoid damage to the exterior of your home by clearing your gutters and down-spouts so they’re free of leaves and debris.

Protect outdoor furniture

To maintain the longevity of your outdoor furniture, invest in weather-proof furniture covers or bring the furniture inside until the weather improves.

Trim the trees

Trim tree branches to avoid potential broken limbs. An arborist can help to identify the trees and shrubs that pose the most risk of breakage during storms and heavy wind.

Replace batteries

Safeguard your home by changing the batteries in all the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Remember to test these alarms monthly.

Lawn care

Fertilize the lawn in the fall to minimize damage caused by winter weather; this protects the lawn and helps it grow more quickly in the spring.