Hardwood Floor Care

CleaningFloorsHardwood flooring is a beautiful addition to any home. Use these handy tips to help keep your floors looking amazing through the years!

Stick to a schedule. Dry mop high-traffic areas daily, vacuum weekly, and clean with a wood floor cleaner once a month. Every three to five years, consider recoating your floors to restore their original look—or pick a different finish to change things up! After 20 years, sand and refinish your hardwood to bring back its luster.

Protect your floors. Liquids can stain the finish of hardwood floors, so wipe up spills immediately. Avoid walking on hardwood floors in heeled shoes, and keep pets’ nails trimmed. Take extra care when using hairspray or furniture polish near hardwood. Place rugs in high-traffic areas to reduce wear. Use soft furniture pads to shield your floors from scratches.

Pick the right products. Do not use products with soap, vinegar, citrus, silicon, oil, wax, acrylics, or urethanes to clean your floors. Refrain from scrubbing floors with harsh tools like steel wool, rough sponges, or scouring powders.