Tax Benefits of Homeownership Buying a home is an expensive undertaking, but homeowner-exclusive tax deductions and credits can help lower the cost. Educating your prospects on the following ...
Tips and Apps for the Tax-Savvy Agent As an entrepreneur, you’re well aware of the extra tax burdens you incur—a cross many are willing to bear in order to break free of the cubicle farm. It took bold ...
Unplug and Recharge! Your Body and Brain Will Thank You Entrepreneurs often have trouble convincing themselves that they deserve some time off. You may believe your clients count on you to be there 24/7, or perhaps ...
A clean getaway: how to keep dust under control Let’s face it, dust is unavoidable. But that doesn’t mean it has to take over your home. Check out these tips for keeping dust under control. Use a microfiber or ...
Benefits of a Smart Thermostat It’s no secret that smart technology can increase the value of a home. Smart home tech enhances a home’s ease of use, which is a vital selling point that can ...
House Cleaning Resolutions Many people make plans for life improvement in the New Year. But have you thought about goals for cleaning your home in the year to come? Here are a few house ...
How to Manage Your Online Reputation There was an inspirational bumper sticker back in the ‘80s that read: “Don’t worry about what anyone says behind your back… it’s none of your business!” Alas, ...
Close the Deal in 3 Easy Steps It’s not uncommon for real estate professionals to get a little nervous when it comes time for a client to sign an agreement. After all, facing possible rejection ...
Smart Homes on a Budget When you think about smart homes, do you picture homes with automated everything? Sure, some dishwashers alert you when you’re low on detergent, and some ...
Holiday Storage Hacks The holidays wouldn't be the same without festive decorations and present wrapping. But storing these items for the rest of the year can take up a lot of space. ...