The Human Side of Home Buying In today’s real estate business, technological advances allow most tasks to be carried out seamlessly, on the go, and at the touch of a button. House hunting apps ...
3 Easy Tips to Stay Healthy As Benjamin Franklin once said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The following tips can help you stay proactive about preventative health and ...
REALTOR® Safety Month: Staying Safe on the Job REALTOR® safety is an important topic of discussion any time of year, especially since agents spend much of their time with the general public. In honor of Safety ...
Create a Shade Garden Oasis Do you want to try something new in your garden, but find the challenges of partial to full-shade areas holding you back? Create your shade garden oasis by ...
Protecting Yourself and Your Clients from Scammers According to the National Association of REALTORS®, by 2021, cybercrime will cost businesses over $6 trillion a year. Criminals today target real estate ...
REALTOR® Safety: Keeping Home Loan Documents Safe from Hacking Recent statistics indicate that over 80% of Chief Financial Officers in the U.S. report that their companies have been hacked at some point, jeopardizing customer ...
REALTOR® Safety: Safe Driving Tips for Busy Agents Real estate can be a demanding job—both mentally and physically! When you’re not lifting signs or staging a home, there’s a good chance you’re in your vehicle ...
Smoke Detector 101 When was the last time you thought about your smoke detector? It's easy to overlook the importance of smoke detector maintenance and proper use, but the ...
Mastering the Art of the Perfect Headshot Though headshots originated in Hollywood to woo casting directors, real estate agents were some of the first professionals to use them to market their business. ...
So Your Client Wants to Buy New Construction… What Now? Working with clients who are interested in purchasing a newly constructed home can be challenging. And many home buyers assume they don’t need to enlist a real ...