New SEER Standards for Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Units

New SEER Standards

Effective January 1, 2023

The Department of Energy (DOE) increased the minimum requirements for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) across all U.S. regions. New SEER2 standards are used to measure the energy efficiency of air conditioning units and heat pumps, including split systems such as ductless mini splits.

The minimum requirement for all U.S. regions increased by one (1) number. The new minimum rating for the northern region is 14 SEER. The new minimum rating for the southeastern and southwestern regions is 15 SEER, except for package unit air conditioners which remain at 14 SEER.

Region Previous AC Condenser SEER AC Condenser SEER2 Previous Heat Pump Condenser SEER Heat Pump Condenser SEER2 Package Units
North 13 14 14 15 14
Southeast & Southwest 14 15
(for split systems)
14 15 14

Visit to learn more about the new federal SEER2 regulations.

What Does This Mean for ORHP Plan Holders?

Old Republic Home Protection remains committed to providing industry-leading home warranty service and will follow the new SEER2 standards when repairing or replacing covered components for air conditioners and heat pumps.

Learn how SEER2 standards may affect home warranty coverage

Please view your state plan for complete coverage and exclusion details.

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