Green Cleaning: Eco-friendly Home Cleaning Products Eco-friendly cleaning products are an excellent way to help protect your home—and the environment. Using typical items from around the house to create safe and ...
Workspace Wellness Quick Tips for Creating a Safe and Comfortable Ergonomic Workspace The American workforce has evolved rapidly in the post-pandemic era and includes more remote ...
Unplug and Recharge! Your Body and Brain Will Thank You Entrepreneurs often have trouble convincing themselves that they deserve some time off. You may believe your clients count on you to be there 24/7, or perhaps ...
Work Hard, Play Hard: Achieving Work-Life Balance Real estate is a 24/7 business, and some agents don't have days off. There are probably times when it feels like you don't set your schedule—your clients do! And ...
3 Easy Tips to Stay Healthy As Benjamin Franklin once said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The following tips can help you stay proactive about preventative health and ...
5 Habits of Mentally Resilient People Ever been in a difficult situation that made you want to throw in the towel? We’ve all been there. How do certain people find the emotional strength to push ...
Mindfulness for Real Estate Professionals Mindfulness refers to the mental state of open and active attention on the present moment. According to the Harvard Business Review, mindfulness increases ...
National Preparedness Month: Staying Safe during Natural Disasters Every September, the United States recognizes National Preparedness Month (NPM). The goal of NPM is to remind and encourage Americans to prepare for emergencies ...
Take a Brain Break We all have those moments at work when our brains turn to mush and we hit the proverbial wall. Sometimes all you need is a few minutes to recharge so you can ...