Rev Up Your Real Estate Referrals When it comes to growing your real estate business, referrals may be an agent’s greatest tool. The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) reported that 55% of ...
Quarterly Tax Tips for Real Estate Agents Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes”—and seasoned real estate professionals will likely agree. Even if a real ...
Best CRM Apps for Real Estate Agents Real estate brokers and agents are busy professionals, juggling multiple listings and multitasking to meet their clients’ needs. As an agent, it is imperative to ...
Real Estate Marketing: Hi-Tech Tips for Real Estate Pros In today’s competitive world, integrating technology into your marketing plan is, perhaps, the most effective way to level up your real estate advertising. Not ...
Low-Tech Marketing: The Best Tips for Real Estate Pros Do you have a love-hate relationship with technology? If so, do not despair! Even though high-tech methods are used to fine-tune marketing strategies, low-tech ...
Email Marketing Tips for Real Estate Pros In the fast-paced digital world of TikTok videos and quippy social media posts, email may feel outdated. While it is important for agents to use a variety of ...
How to Stand Out in a Hot Market Despite signs that the industry is shifting, real estate is still experiencing a seller’s market. With more prospective home buyers than inventory, many ...
Home Buying Mistakes Your Real Estate Clients Should Avoid A home is probably one of the most expensive things a person buys in their lifetime. Whether they’re first-time homebuyers or they know the home buying process ...
The Biggest Tax Mistakes Made by Real Estate Pros Tax season is upon us, and even the most tax-savvy real estate professional can fall victim to tax filing mistakes. Check out the following list to ensure you ...
Dress to Your Target Market: A Style Guide for Real Estate Pros Real estate agents have striven to present a professional appearance in honor of their business since the dawn of the real estate industry—and for good reason! A ...