Do Your Homework: Vetting Your Vendors The best real estate professionals understand the importance of knowing the ins and outs of their neighborhood. Your clients appreciate your ability to provide ...
Build Your Brand by Giving Back To build a lasting brand with a stellar reputation, it’s important to determine what you want your brand to stand for. Everything you or your company does ...
Know Your Neighborhood: 5 Resources to Get the Inside Scoop You’re more than a salesperson—you’re a strategic consultant, and your clients rely on your guidance to make sound buying decisions. Your buyers turn to you for ...
Tips and Apps for the Tax-Savvy Agent As an entrepreneur, you’re well aware of the extra tax burdens you incur—a cross many are willing to bear in order to break free of the cubicle farm. It took bold ...
Unplug and Recharge! Your Body and Brain Will Thank You Entrepreneurs often have trouble convincing themselves that they deserve some time off. You may believe your clients count on you to be there 24/7, or perhaps ...
Close the Deal in 3 Easy Steps It’s not uncommon for real estate professionals to get a little nervous when it comes time for a client to sign an agreement. After all, facing possible rejection ...
5 Ways to Improve Your Listening Skills It's no secret that real estate professionals love to talk! Communicating information to others is an important aspect of your job, after all.
Real Estate Resolutions Making New Year's resolutions is an annual tradition for many. Start the year off right by resolving to be more organized, think strategically, and follow up on ...
Work Hard, Play Hard: Achieving Work-Life Balance Real estate is a 24/7 business, and some agents don't have days off. There are probably times when it feels like you don't set your schedule—your clients do! And ...
Real Estate Teams: Communication Tips for Leaders Being a real estate team leader requires polite and professional communication to earn your team’s respect so they want to perform in excellence. The following ...